
Sovereign – Life Assurance

About – Sovereign

Sovereign Life Assurance is proud of our new focus on improving customers’ lifelong health. By doing our bit to encourage healthy lifestyles, prevent health problems before they occur, and help New Zealanders take charge of their health so they enjoy a better quality of life. By taking initiative in your own life, you add value to the people you love, and your family members get to enjoy time with you for longer. We never know when life can hand us a nasty surprise.

Can we honestly say we are prepared for it?

Sovereign Life Assurance has been veering New Zealand clients with the healthy lifestyle life insurance for many years. With the experience behind the team of passionate people we have in our team, we are no strangers to this industry. Let us use our knowledge to assist you make the right choice. Call us today, make a lifestyle choice and make every moment with your loved ones count.

Services – Sovereign

Sovereign is the elite of elite when it comes to investing in your future. Have you thought of what will happen in the event of your death? We offer Life Assurance to all New Zealanders. Giving you the peace of mind that you will always be paid out the value you deserve.

Sovereign have been paying health claims since 1996 and in the past five financial years paid a total of $285.8 million to help Kiwis get well. As a result we paid out $60.5 million in claims the last financial year. This is proof that we aren’t about making money out of our clients. We look at what we can pay out, so in turn benefiting our clients, benefits our need to carry on with what we do. Our team are passionate about ensuring you receive the right product to suit your lifestyle.

Let us take your needs, and look after your future!

Summary of Services

  • Life and Disability Insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Business Insurance

Physical Address

Sovereign House, 74 Taharoto Road
North Island
New Zealand

Phone: 0800 500 103
Fax: (04) 462 6600


Postal Address

PO Box 291
New Zealand